June Post Newsletter


Good Day Legionnaires,

First off, I would like to thank everyone who assisted in the Memorial Day Ceremony. Everyone from our Drill Team, Chaplain, E Board Members, VFW, MCL, Boy Scouts, American Legion and VFW Auxiliary, and our singer, and those who showed support on coming to the ceremony. The Auxiliary, for that wonderful breakfast. And finally, everyone that assisted in placing and picking up the flags. Hopefully, I did not miss anyone. It was a beautiful day to honor our fallen. Thank you. As we move into June, we have our last meeting, 13 June 7pm, before we take a break for summer. If you are around, come visit us at the Legion during the summer. As a reminder, we will be closed on Sunday’s this summer. (This is due traditionally slow business, but importantly, give our bartenders Sundays off). Remember, with summer coming around, be careful about those riding motorcycles. Also, the kids will be out of school and they can come out from nowhere. Let’s be safe this summer and enjoy yourself. On the 26th of June, we will be hosting the American Legion Baseball team, the Gillette Riders. Come meet and support the team. Enjoy a day out in the clean fresh air, the sun, some great baseball, and cheering for the Riders. It's time to start thinking about the 4th of July Parade. Maybe you can be in the parade or assist with the other festivities of the day. We will be barbequing hamburgers, hotdogs, and brats. Have a great summer. I look forward to seeing you all this summer and next fall.

Clarence Barry, Commander, Post 42

VOLUNTEER DRIVERS are needed to help get our veterans to medical appointments. Please contact: Randy Sinclair 307-660-1915 or Dave Bacca 651-402-1015.


We will also be forming a committee for the by-laws. We are asking that if you are interested in assisting us in changing the by-laws, please get with one of the officers and/or adjutant. Once we have a committee established, we will go over and make the changes that are needed/necessary. We would like to complete this by the end of summer so we can notify everyone of the changes and then take a vote on the by-laws.


In case you have not heard, dues will be going up to $60 from $50. The reason behind this is both, state and national have increased the dues by $5 each. If you pay your dues before July 1 2024, you will pay $50. They have decided if you pay the next three (3) years of dues, you can pay at the $50 mark. You must be a current member to do this. This must be done on-line. www.legion.org/renew

POST 42 Officers for 2024- 2025 year

Commander - Clarence Barry

First Vice Commander - Rod Warne

Second Vice Commander – Ace Jackson

Finance Officer – Terra Price

Executive Committee:

Steve Gauthier - Mark Stines- 2024 to 2026, Dusty McClintock - Bernie Anderson 2023 to 2025

Club Commitee Chairman - Bill Languemi

Post 42 Scholarship recipients:

Madisen Unlerseher, Aaliyah Mae Hanson, Brittini Schmidt, Alla de Long, Rylee Hudson,

Megan Doherty, Adeline Norstegaard

POST 42 Membership is 98.15% and we are at 319 and need 6 more veterans to hit the goal of 325.



We would like to take the time to thank Dale Wishard for being the SAL commander for the last 7 years. He chose to step down in 2024. Dale was instrumental in rebuilding the SAL membership. He donated countless hours helping organizing fund raisers. He also was key in helping relocate our Haunted House, our largest fundraiser, so we can continue to have it. He created a new relationship with the Rough Rider Baseball team, helping to bring the team and Post 42 back together again. This year on May 25, he was inducted into the Rough Rider Hall of Fame. When you see Dale thank him for his years of service. Dale don’t be a stranger and hope to see you at the Post soon. Now we would like to welcome Rick McCabe as the new SAL commander. Rick has been involved in several different organizations over the years and is currently President of the Moose Lodge. Rick is a one of our many dual members being a Legionnaire and a SAL. You might have seen Rick and his wife Collen down at the post, as they have been supporting the Friday Dinners frequently for the last year. Take time to introduce yourself and get to know Rick.

SAL OFFICERS for 2024 - 2025

SAL Commander - Rick McCabe

1st Vice - Joe Lahr

2nd Vice - Mike Lind

Adjutant - Bill Kern

Sargent at Arms - Phil Wagner

Chaplain - Bill Languemi

With summer coming on and yard work is happening, Ray Schimt, a veteran who co-owns Irri Gators LLC with his son Ryan, is offering Veterans a 10% discount for their services. His cards are down at the club by the information board. If you need sprinkler work done their moto is “ DRY LAWN BE GONE”. CHRISTMAS IN JULY is July 13th this year at the Veterans Home in Buffalo. Everyone is invited to participate in this event. We have a couple of projects to work on, host a fishing tournament for the residents, and have a meal for everyone around noon. It is a very special day to be a part of. We will be hosting an outside dinner June 26th. It is American Legion day at the Rough Riders double header against Rock Springs. The games are at 12:00 and 2:00. All members of the American Legion Family are encouraged to attend the games. I am sure they will be recognized between the games. Afterwords, we will have the tents setup at the Post to host a dinner for all the players, families, friends, and fans. Dinner will go from 4 ‘til done. We will be serving ribs, wings, and pulled pork with all the other fixings. Hopefully, we all come down and meet the players and their families. Sons of the American Legion SCHOLARSHIP WINNERS: Rylee Hudson, Adeline Norstegaard, Aidan Dorr. We meet again 6/9/2024 at noon at the Post. We will be discussing Christmas in July and our June 26th meal. For everyone else we want to wish you a blessed warm and SAFE summer. Hope to see everyone at Post 42 on June 26th for a fun time.

Respectfully submitted, Bill Kern, Adjutant


SUMMER CLUB HOURS: Monday - Friday 1pm 'til close Happy Hour 4pm - 6pm

Saturday 11am 'til close Happy Hour 11am - 2 pm

Closed on Sundays through September 1st

Queen of Hearts every Saturday 7pm drawing

Saturday, June 22 - Kip Attaway 7pm 'til close $10 cover charge


We had our elections in May. Please help me welcome our new officers for the 2024-2025 year.

President - Lisa Wagner

Vice President - Crystal Goldston

Secretary - Helen Jerome

Treasurer - Shelli Lind

Chaplain - Sandy Cook

Historian - Linda Johnson

Sargent at Arms - Carol Wood

E-Board: Carolyn Eddy, Vicki Worman, Polly Bernard

Char Kirkendoll provided a Mother's Day & Father's Day basket to be given away at our Friday night dinners. The Mother's Day basket was won by Crystal Goldston and the Father's Day basket was won by Gib Cook. Congratulations winners!! This year we were able to give 5 scholarships away. This was quite a task this year as all of the applications were done electronically. We did manage and our lucky recipients were: Adeline Norstegaard, Kylie Hanson, Grace Pridgeon, Aaliyah Hanson & Amelie Springer. We are working on providing live music for the 4th of July from 1-5. Please keep a look out for additional information coming. Have a SAFE & HAPPY Summer!!!

JUNE 2024

8 Post 307 BBQ

9 SAL meeting 12 pm

9 - 15 Boys and Girls State at the University of Wyoming

12 Windrider meeting 7 pm

13 Post meeting 7pm

14 Flag Day

14 Happy Birthday Army

16 Fathers Day

17 Marine Corps League meeting 1900 hours

19 CC Veterans Council 6pm George Amos bldg

20 -22 Wyoming Department Convention Worland

22 Saturday Kip Attaway 7pm 'til close $10 cover charge

25 Veterans Breakfast 8am Senior Center

26 Legion Rough Riders Dinner 4pm until gone

Upcoming events

July 4 Independence Day is on Thursday

Independence Day Parade will take place on Second Avenue starting at Osborne Avenue to Burma Avenue. The parade will start at 10:00am. Theme is "Let Freedom Ring". Contact: Darla Cotton at Darla.Cotton@campbellcountywy.gov1

July 13 The SAL welcome everyone to attend Christmas in July at the Veterans Home in Buffalo. .

July 13 Veterans Information Fair, Campbell County Public Library - Wyoming Room 8:30am - 12:00 pm

Treasurers Office at court house has applications for Property Tax relief, due June 3th. They can help you fill out paperwork.


May Post Newsletter